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About us...

We actively and continually engage in ways to serve our Lord Jesus Christ by offering multiple ministries, educational and worship opportunities.
Worship Style


Our worship style can best be described as traditional and spirit filled. We are a Bible believing, Bible preaching Church. We are a close knit group of sinners saved by Grace through Faith in our Lord Jesus Christ.


We preach and teach from the Bible and sing from our hymn books  accompanied by a single piano. Our Capel Choir welcomes all who wish to join with them as they lift their voices in Praise. No loud bands, no overhead screens, just united voices singing and Praising God!


We voluntarily associate with other churches of the Southern Baptist Convention, the Georgia Baptist Convention and the Grady County Baptist Association. 



Sunday School


Every Sunday morning we offer Sunday School for all ages. Please come and join us as explore the wonderful depths of God's Word while we get close to one another in small class environments. â€‹


Discipleship Training


We come back on Sunday evening for more study in our Discipleship Training classes. 

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Christian fellowship is a wonderful, happy part of our church life here at Capel. We love and enjoy spending time with each other.




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